Facilitating early surgical treatment for patients in need: The roadmap of our humanitarian action

Facilitating early surgical treatment for patients in need: The roadmap of our humanitarian action

Between April 4th and 19th eight more patients were successfully operated at the Yaoundé General Hospital with the support of HCF. Among the patients, three presented with advanced stage of heart failure. Despite the indication for surgery was made more than 4 years ago, this treatment was delayed as patients and relatives could not afford the cost of surgical therapy for financial constraints. Unfortunately, these three stories are far from being anecdotal in our local communities, with a countless number of young patients with cardiac diseases experiencing adverse clinical events and preventable premature death for the absence of a timely surgical therapy.
This challenging situation recalls our motivation to develop strategies to boost our humanitarian actions in order to provide a prompt and effective cardiological care to newly diagnosed patients.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mbiock charles Lambert

    Initiative très intéressante et louable
    La main tendue aux nécessiteux dans notre environnement où l’égoïsme a pris le pas sur la vie du prochain, mérite d’être encouragé


    Thank you for your concern, engagement, commitment and sacrifice.

  3. Nguimatsia kajeu laurraine

    Je suis très admirative vis a vis des personnes qui donnent de ce qu’ils ont( amour, soin, matériel, finance etc) a ceux qui en ont besoin. Bcp de courage car il en faut et que le bon Dieu continue de vous épauler.